品牌:上海安亭電子儀器 (安靈牌) 名稱:自動永停滴定儀 型號:ZYT-2J 出廠價:26000.00 概述 本儀器是根據中國藥典2005版對容量分析永停滴定法的要求而設計的一款新穎微電腦控制的自動永停滴定儀。儀器采用大尺寸彩色顯示屏,全中文觸摸屏操作。各種技術參數可根據實際需要靈活設置,設置時,人機對話,操作方便、直觀。儀器標定及檢測樣品時,彩屏即時顯示滴定曲線,同時門限值位置及滴定動態也即時出現。 本儀器可配打印機,也可直接連接臺式電腦使用。 Introduction: The instrument is designed according to Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 edition of the capacity analysis requirements of the end-point titration. The apparatus has a large colored display, touch screen operation. A variety of technical parameters can be set flexibly according to actual needs, when in calibration or tests of samples, it show real-time titration curves in color at the same time, the location of threshold and titration status are also shown. The instrument can be connected to special printers and also to desktop computers. 主要技術指標 1.極化電壓:-30mv ~ -450mv任意設置 Polarization voltage: -30mv ~-450mv stepless set 2.靈敏度: 10-6 ; 10-7 ;10-8 ;10-9 分四欄任意設置 Sensitivity: 10-6 ; 10-7 ;10-8 ;10-9 stepless set in four columns 3.門限值: 50~90任意設置 Threshold value: 50 ~ 90 stepless set 4.小進給量0.01、0.02、0.03ml/2秒 三檔 Minimum feed 0.01,0.02,0.03 ml / 2 seconds in third grade 5.滴定延時:0秒~300秒任意設置 Titration delay: 0 seconds ~ 300 seconds stepless set 6.攪拌速度:001~999任意連續設置 Mixing speed: 001 ~ 999 stepless set |